Aaron Henningsen * Precious Stone
Director of Compliance

Aaron (any pronouns) is a young soul with a fiery passion. Through a plethora of hardships throughout his/her life, he/she has acquired a passion for equity, mercy, compassion, and ethics. Aaron, just like everyone at OKHOAs, is simply too deep a person to fit on one page.

From an early age, Aaron has lived a proactive lifestyle. He/she spent his/her teenage years volunteering for the Civil Air Patrol, a United States Air Force Auxiliary, where he/she would eventually learn skills such as flightline marshalling, radio communications, and clerical skills that eventually led him/her to lead statewide advisory councils for the institution. Having started college at 15 years old, Aaron has been on a long journey of self-discovery and cultivation. After graduating, Aaron enlisted and was discharged from the Oklahoma Army National Guard for PTSD acquired through his/her various life experiences. Since then, he/she has remained vigilant in his/her pursuits toward equity and self-cultivation. This led him/her to study various world religions until he/she was eventually ordained as a lay Buddhist and given the name Minh Châu (Precious Stone). He/she then entered Daoist seminary, where he/she currently studies. Aaron also currently sees clients in his/her own private bodywork/craniosacral therapy practice.